LRS-neutrinos - in brief
- Download a more
detailed document.
- LRS-neutrinos = low relative speed neutrinos (in an
- The de Broglie wavelength of LRS-neutrinos can be
greater than 1 m.
- Published estimates of the number density of relic
neutrinos (relic of the Big Bang) indicate the separation of
relic neutrinos is about 1.5 mm.
- LRS neutrino wave-functions should be strongly entangled
because the de Broglie wavelength is greater than their
separation, somewhat like a Bose-Einstein condensate, but
referred to here as a neutrino Fermionic condensate (NFC).
- What are the properties of NFCs?
- NFCs should permeate all of space and much of the matter
universe because there are so many relic LRS-neutrinos.
- The temperature up to which NFCs can exist could be
quite high - much higher than other super-fluids and Bose
Einstein condensates.
- NFCs should couple by elastic scattering of the exposed
spin of other Fermion particles such as electrons.
- Due to neutrino spin, NFCs may condense like helium-3, a
known Fermionic condensate, and there may be similarities
with superconductors in that neutrino-anti-neutrino Cooper
pairs (BCS) may be formed.
- NFCs may condense to form a crystal-like anti-ferromagnetic
- The speed of a spin-wave on a NFC should be
exceptionally high, due to the finite stiffness (van der
Waal's forces) of the NFC and the infinitesimally small
density of a NFC (mass of a neutrino is almost zero). Could
the speed be the speed of light?
- Are NFCs the material that supports the field upon which
photons are disturbances? Are NFCs ether?
- NFCs may also be able to support static spin-stress
states that could support electrostatic forces.
- NFCs, if they exist, may be an alternative to zero-point
energy and particle-anti-particle generation to provide a
mechanism for supporting electromagnetic fields in vacuum.
This may resolve the renormalization problem in quantum
- NFCs may explain the Casimir effect.
- Crystalline NFC may support transverse-spin waves.
- What are the implications of a NFC supporting
transverse-spin and compression-spin waves?
- As the average speed of an ensemble of LRS-neutrinos
increases relative to an observer so the de Broglie
wavelength should become smaller and eventually the NFC
should decouple from the observer. Does this mechanism
explain that the speed of light is constant in all frames of
reference? Is there a connection between NFCs and Einstein's
special theory of relativity?
- The speed of light (spin-waves on a NFC) should depend
upon the ratio of NFC spin-stiffness and density. As the
density of neutrinos changes then does the speed of light
change? Could variations in neutrino density explain what is
now called gravitational lensing?
Neutrino physics
This page is different from the other pages in this site because
it relates to neutrino physics - an area not normally connected with
ultrasonic technology. However, we at Cambridge Ultrasonics believe
there may be a connection between neutrinos and ultrasonics.
Some of the ideas presented in this section are controversial and
remain unproven. One of the purposes of presenting the information
is to encourage debate on the properties of LRS-neutrinos and the
properties of the condensed states that might result.
If you are interested then download the attached LRS-neutrino.pdf
for more details. This document is being developed. Cambridge
Ultrasonics has been developing LRS-neutrino ideas since about 2006.
If you have read LRS-neutrino.pdf and you want to comment then
please communicate with Cambridge Ultrsonics using details in the
Contact page.
Thanks for your interest in LRS-neutrinos.
LRS-neutrino.pdf. Version 1.